With over 25 year’s experience in the taxi industry, Windmill cabs offer a reliable, efficient and competitive taxi service in Tralee and surrounding areas. We pride ourselves in offering a personal and affordable service and have some familiar and popular figures from Tralee’s Taxi industry completing our compliment of Drivers
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Watch out for our distinctive roof sign on the Taxi Rank
- www.nationaltransport.ie
- www.kerryairport.ie
- www.tralee.ie
- www.failteireland.ie
- www.traleegolfclub.com
- www.discoverireland.ie
- www.siamsatire.com
- www.aquadome.ie
- www.igb.ie/tralee
- www.traleebaywetlands.org
- www.traleemarathon.com
- www.kerrycoco.ie
- www.kerrygaa.ie
- www.irishrail.ie